
Referrals for places at ACE come through the Local Authority SEN service, through the referring school or through the Local Authorities Alternative Provision. 

The SEN team and referring school must ensure that ACE receives a copy of the young person's EHC Plan where applicable.  If the young person does not have an EHCP, full details of the young person, their educational history and their current needs.

EHCPs/student details are then reviewed to determine whether ACE may be able to meet the needs of the pupil.

Our admissions team will arrange a meeting to take place at ACE with the young person, parents/carers, school/LA present.   This meeting is an opportunity for us to meet the young person and for the young person to meet us.  Once a decision has been made, the start date can be agreed for the young person to join ACE.

Please note that as an independent provider it is at the discretion of the school as to whether a place will be offered.   The final decision is with the Head of Centre.

Visits to the school are strongly recommended. Parents/Carers are encouraged to bring the pupil with them when visiting the school.


Please call the main number to arrange an appointment.

Admissions Policy

Short Term Placement

Long Term Placement

With the strong pastoral care that they receive, pupils' attendance and behaviours markedly improve.